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Discovering minor cannabinoids:
CBN, CBC, CBG, and more!

Discover minor cannabinoids and their potential impact
and effects based on the most recent scientific studies.

Zooming in on minor cannabinoids

Many of us are familiar with THC and CBD, but have you ever heard of these?

  • Delta-8 THC
  • Delta-10 THC
  • Delta-6a(10a)-THC
  • THC-O-acetate (THC-O)
  • Cannabinol (CBN)
  • Hexahydrocannabinol (HHC)
  • Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV, CBC,)
  • Tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THCP)
  • Tetrahydrocannabutol (THCB)

Grouped under the name minor cannabinoids, these are considered “minor” because they are present in small quantities in cannabis compared to major cannabinoids, like THC and CBD, which are much more present.

Minor cannabinoids can have an influence on the effects that consumers feel. With that being said, there are few studies on this matter, but the initial results are promising.

Discover major cannabinoids

The most well-known minor cannabinoids


CBG • Cannabigerol

Generally, cannabigerol (CBG) is only present in very small quantities and has no psychoactive properties, but certain preliminary studies seem to attribute the following properties to it, which are not scientifically proven:

  • It can potentially act as an antibacterial agent against staphylococcus aureus bacteria, associated with various infections;
  • It can block receptors that support the growth of cancerous cells;
  • It interacts specifically with certain receptors in the human body, prompting research on its potential to treat various neurological and inflammatory issues1 such as depression, inflammation, ocular problems like glaucoma, and gastrointestinal disorders.

CBC • Cannabichromene

Cannabichromene (CBC) is one of the minor cannabinoids that is the most common in cannabis and does not possess any intoxicating (psychoactive) effects when used alone.

CBC is a cannabinoid whose properties are still relatively under-explored in scientific studies:

  • Some preliminary studies appear to indicate that it could have therapeutic properties, notably for depression, in higher doses;
  • Il pourrait bloquer les récepteurs qui soutiennent la croissance des cellules cancéreuses;
  • Other studies claim that it has anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic properties.2

CBN • Cannabinol

Cannabinol is not synthesized in the cannabis plant. It’s more of a derivative of THC that forms when THC degrades due to heat, air, and/or sun exposure. CBN has very little psychoactive properties. Although studies are in their preliminary stages, researchers are currently exploring CBN for:

  • Its potential to help regulate sleep and increase relaxation2;
  • Its immunosuppressive potential2
  • Its potential to reduce the impact of seizures, anxiety, inflammation, and arthritis.

THCV • Tetrahydrocannabivarin

Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV), discovered in the 1970s, is intriguing due to its duality and therapeutic potential. It is considered to be THC’s cousin because of their similar molecular structures. However, certain studies have shown that THCV, unlike THC, can reduce one’s appetite. In this case as well, more studies will be necessary to arrive at a clear conclusion.

Preliminary studies highlight its potential to ease nausea from chemotherapy and treat epilepsy, so future discoveries in medical applications seem to be promising.2


The research continues

In Quebec and the world at large

The search for understanding minor cannabinoids is in full swing. Researchers dedicate their studies to explore the risks and benefits associated with cannabinoids, whether they’re being consumed alone or in combination with others. Though we remain unsure whether the impact of these compounds on the human body will be positive or negative, scientists are not backing down.

Saviez-vous que ?

The entourage effect, or when there’s strength in numbers

The scientific community, while still in search of solid evidence concerning minor cannabinoids, is increasingly interested in the "entourage effect.”3 This means that the various useful molecules contained in cannabis (cannabinoids, terpenoids, and flavonoids) act synergistically, either intensifying or modifying the effects of THC and CBD. However, this has not been scientifically proven, and since the effects of the same product can vary from one person to another, it remains very difficult to measure.

How to choose a product


The right product for your needs

It’s important to choose a cannabis product and a mode of consumption that suits one’s level of experience, state of health, and tolerance towards certain potentially unpleasant effects. For personalized tips, please do not hesitate to consult our Buying guide.

see the buying guide

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Frequently asked questions


THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the main psychoactive cannabinoid in cannabis and is frequently classified as a drug because of its intoxicating effects. The classification of other cannabinoids can vary by jurisdiction.

Cannabinoids are mainly present in the trichomes of the cannabis flower. However, certain forms of cannabinoids, such as CBD, can also be derived from hemp.

CBN is often associated with its sedative properties, although studies are still ongoing to confirm this effect. Certain users also report anti-inflammatory effects and sleeping benefits, though the science behind these claims remains to be explained.

In Quebec, it is illegal to share cannabis with anyone under 21 years of age or to buy it for them. The use of CBD in children is sometimes permitted as long as it’s done in a strict medical context under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

While CBD and CBG are both non-psychoactive cannabinoids found in cannabis, they interact differently with the human body’s receptors and therefore have different therapeutic potentials and effects. CBG is often praised for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, while CBD is known for its relaxing, calming properties.

CBD (cannabidiol) and CBN (cannabinol) are two distinct cannabinoids found in cannabis. CBD is non-psychoactive and has a reputation for its numerous potential therapeutic benefits, whereas CBN is a product of THC degradation and possesses light psychoactive effects, sometimes associated with promoting sleep.

BG (Cannabigerol) draws attention due to its potentially anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. While still in their preliminary stages, certain studies suggest that CBG also present benefits in the treatment of health problems such as inflammatory issues and certain types of infections.

The legal age to buy CBD varies by region and country. In Quebec, the minimum age is 21.


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