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The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English-language content.

Distribution of information

The documents we distribute under the Regulation respecting the distribution of information and the protection of personal information, are listed and accessible below.

Available documents

Organization chart 

The organization chart outlines our corporate structure and provides you with the names and titles of our senior staff members. We distribute this chart as required under paragraphs 1 and 2 of Section 4 of the Regulation respecting the distribution of information and the protection of personal information.

Organization chart of SQDC (PDF - 82 Ko - French only)

Responses to requests for access to information 

See all responses to requests for access to information

Lease Agreements 

SQDC Lease Agreements 2020-2021 (French only)  (PDF - 178 Ko)

SQDC Lease Agreements 2021-2022 (French only)   (PDF - 153Ko)

SQDC Lease Agreements 2022-2023 (French only)    (PDF - 152Ko)

SQDC Lease Agreements 2023-2024 (French only)    (PDF - 100 Ko)

Information Regarding the President and Chief Executive Officer

Information Regarding the President and Chief Executive Officer - 1st Quarter 2020-2021 (French only) (PDF - 78 Ko)

Information Regarding the President and Chief Executive Officer - 2nd Quarter 2020-2021 (French only) (PDF - 121 Ko)

Information Regarding the President and Chief Executive Officer - 3rd Quarter 2020-2021 (French only) (PDF - 423 Ko)

Information Regarding the President and Chief Executive Officer - 4th Quarter 2020-2021 (French only) (PDF - 418 Ko)

Information Regarding the President and Chief Executive Officer - 1st Quarter 2021-2022 (French only) (PDF - 420 Ko)

Information Regarding the President and Chief Executive Officer - 2nd Quarter 2021-2022 (French only) (PDF - 423 Ko)

Information Regarding the President and Chief Executive Officer - 3rd Quarter 2021-2022 (French only) (PDF - 427 Ko)

Information Regarding the President and Chief Executive Officer - 4th Quarter 2021-2022 (French only) (PDF - 159 Ko)

Information Regarding the President and Chief Executive Officer - 1st Quarter 2022-2023 (French only) (PDF - 202 Ko)

Information Regarding the President and Chief Executive Officer - 2nd Quarter 2022-2023 (French only) (PDF - 358 Ko)

Information Regarding the President and Chief Executive Officer - 3rd Quarter 2022-2023 (French only) (PDF - 111 Ko)

Information Regarding the President and Chief Executive Officer - 4rd Quarter 2022-2023 (French only) (PDF - 104 Ko)

Information Regarding the President and Chief Executive Officer - 1st Quarter 2023-2024 (French only) (PDF - 103 Ko)

Information Regarding the President and Chief Executive Officer - 2nd Quarter 2023-2024 (French only) (PDF - 80 Ko)

Information Regarding the President and Chief Executive Officer - 3rd Quarter 2023-2024 (French only) (PDF - 79 Ko)

Information Regarding the President and Chief Executive Officer - 4rd Quarter 2023-2024 (French only) (PDF - 79 Ko)

Information Regarding the President and Chief Executive Officer - 1st Quarter 2024-2025 (French only) (PDF - 104 Ko)

Disbursements of Company Personnel

Disbursements of Company Personnel - 1st Quarter 2020-2021 (French only) (PDF - 75 Ko)

Disbursements of Company Personnel - 2nd Quarter 2020-2021 (French only) (PDF - 111 Ko)

Disbursements of Company Personnel - 3rd Quarter 2020-2021 (French only) (PDF - 429 Ko)

Disbursements of Company Personnel - 4th Quarter 2020-2021 (French only) (PDF - 426 Ko)

Disbursements of Company Personnel - 1st Quarter 2021-2022 (French only) (PDF - 426 Ko)

Disbursements of Company Personnel - 2nd Quarter 2021-2022 (French only) (PDF - 429 Ko)

Disbursements of Company Personnel - 3rd Quarter 2021-2022 (French only) (PDF - 434 Ko)

Disbursements of Company Personnel - 4th Quarter 2021-2022 (French only) (PDF - 113 Ko)

Disbursements of Company Personnel - 1st Quarter 2022-2023 (French only) (PDF - 198 Ko)

Disbursements of Company Personnel - 2nd Quarter 2022-2023 (French only) (PDF - 105 Ko)

Disbursements of Company Personnel - 3rd Quarter 2022-2023 (French only) (PDF - 104 Ko)

Disbursements of Company Personnel - 4rd Quarter 2022-2023 (French only) (PDF - 117 Ko)

Disbursements of Company Personnel - 1st Quarter 2023-2024 (French only) (PDF - 100 Ko)

Disbursements of Company Personnel - 2nd Quarter 2023-2024 (French only) (PDF - 79 Ko)

Disbursements of Company Personnel - 3rd Quarter 2023-2024 (French only) (PDF - 101 Ko)

Disbursements of Company Personnel - 4rd Quarter 2023-2024 (French only) (PDF - 148 Ko)

Disbursements of Company Personnel - 1st Quarter 2024-2025 (French only) (PDF - 424 Ko)

Contracts and Expenditures

Contracts and Expenditures - 1st Quarter 2020-2021 (French only) (PDF - 98 Ko)

Contracts and Expenditures - 2nd Quarter 2020-2021 (French only) (PDF - 129 Ko)

Contracts and Expenditures - 3rd Quarter 2020-2021 (French only) (PDF - 535 Ko)

Contracts and Expenditures - 4th Quarter 2020-2021 (French only) (PDF - 537 Ko)

Contracts and Expenditures - 1st Quarter 2021-2022 (French only) (PDF - 535 Ko)

Contracts and Expenditures - 2nd Quarter 2021-2022 (French only) (PDF - 142 Ko)

Contracts and Expenditures - 3rd Quarter 2021-2022 (French only) (PDF - 141 Ko)

Contracts and Expenditures - 4th Quarter 2021-2022 (French only) (PDF - 142 Ko)

Contracts and Expenditures - 1st Quarter 2022-2023 (French only) (PDF - 138 Ko)

Contracts and Expenditures - 2nd Quarter 2022-2023 (French only) (PDF - 139 Ko)

Contracts and Expenditures - 3rd Quarter 2022-2023 (French only) (PDF - 105 Ko)

Contracts and Expenditures - 4rd Quarter 2022-2023 (French only) (PDF - 139 Ko)

Contracts and Expenditures - 1st Quarter 2023-2024 (French only) (PDF - 137 Ko)

Contracts and Expenditures - 2nd Quarter 2023-2024 (French only) (PDF - 139 Ko)

Contracts and Expenditures - 3nd Quarter 2023-2024 (French only) (PDF - 139 Ko)

Contracts and Expenditures - 1st Quarter 2024-2025 (French only) (PDF - 148 Ko)


See all publications

Document classification plan 

The document classification plan is a reference tool that allows you to understand the structure of the SQDC’s operations and see how its documents are classified. It is not directly tied to a specific file or document.

Document classification plan of the SQDC (PDF - 112 Ko - French only)

Personal information files 

Guide for the protection of personal information

This document meets the requirements of article 63.3 of the law.

Guide for the protection of personal information (French only) (PDF - 462 Ko)

Personal Information Files Held by the SQDC

Group Insurance (French only) (PDF - 140 Ko)

Customer Relations (French only) (PDF - 141 Ko)

Retirement Files (French only) (PDF - 142 Ko)

Pay (French only) (PDF - 141 Ko)

Prevention, Inquiries and Security (French only) (PDF - 141 Ko) 

Labour Relations (French only) (PDF - 141 Ko)

Directory (French only) (PDF - 138 Ko)

Workplace Health and Safety (French only) (PDF - 142 Ko)

SQDC.ca (French only) (PDF - 140 Ko)

Register of Personal Information Released

The Register of Personal Information Released is an inventory of information collected, communicated or used for purposes which differ from the ones originally intended. The register shows how this personal information is communicated.

Register of Personal Information Released (French only) (PDF - 202 Ko)

Laws, regulations, policies, codes of ethics 

See the laws, regulations, policies and codes of ethics