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Cannabus accessories:
cannabis pipe

As cannabis culture has boomed in recent years, so have consumers’ curiosity and questions about the tools for using cannabis. Among these, pipes occupy a special place. Suitable for new users, they are also easy to use and clean. In this article, we help you understand their various parts and use.

How to use a cannabis pipe

Cannabis pipes – also called bowls or just pipes – are typically made from metal, glass, wood or acrylic and are used for smoking dried cannabis. Their advantages include being quick and easy to use as well as reusable.

To use a pipe, you fill it with ground cannabis (either pre-ground or dried flowers you’ve ground), ignite the cannabis with a lighter and inhale the smoke.

If your pipe has a carb (side hole), proceed as follows: cover the carb with a finger, ignite the material with a lighter, inhale partially, uncover the carb and finish inhaling the remaining smoke.

Cannabis pipe anatomy

Most pipes are similar in shape and have the following parts:

Hand pipe


This is the combustion chamber, a hollow you fill with ground cannabis or a concentrate like hash or kief. It’s usually recommended to install a screen before filling the bowl to avoid accidentally inhaling bits of the product.


Some pipes have a carb (short for carburetor, also called a choke), a small hole on the side of the device. Partially or completely covering the choke with a finger, usually a thumb, allows the user to control the amount of smoke inhaled.


This is the part you hold in your hand and through which the cannabis smoke flows to reach the mouthpiece.


The mouthpiece is located at the opposite end from the bowl. As its name implies, it’s where you place your mouth in order to inhale.

Homemade pipes

We also note there are several types of homemade pipes (converted plastic bottles, cans, etc.) that users sometimes cobble together. Using improvised devices like these is not recommended, as they may contain substances hazardous for the health. We recommend reducing risk by using only tools designed for cannabis use.

If you have any questions about the methods of use or the various pipes available at the SQDC, speak with our in-store advisors or chat with them online!

Frequently asked questions

We advise against using these alternative methods of use because they’re not regulated and may contain substances hazardous to your health.

Yes, frequent cleaning of your device helps you reduce health risks and avoid unpleasant tastes.

It’s a good idea to use a screen, especially when using ground cannabis, to avoid accidentally inhaling bits of the material.

It’s best to grind cannabis before lighting it in a pipe because it results in more even combustion. A screen should always be used to avoid an unpleasant experience.

Yes, because they’re quick and easy to use and simple to clean.

Pipes are reusable and easy to use and clean.

Cannabis pipes are typically made from metal, glass, wood and/or acrylic.

Place a small amount of cannabis in the bowl, cover the carb with a finger, light the cannabis, partially inhale the cannabis smoke, uncover the carb and finish inhaling.