Hi ! Enter your postal code to view information related to product delivery. We have located you at this postal code, do not hesitate to change it to consult the information relating to the delivery of the products. Is this the correct postal code? You seem far from this location

The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English-language content.


Assistance in the event of a problem

If you experience problems using support technologies or a screen reader when visiting the SQDC.ca website, creating an account or shopping online, please contact our customer relations team.

Telephone numbers
Greater Montréal area: 514 504-7732
Elsewhere in Québec (toll-free): 1 888 551-2161

Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday : 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Contact the customer relations team

Accessibility of the SQDC.ca website

Since the launch of SQDC.ca in October 2018, the SQDC has been actively working to put forward content and funtionalities designed to comply with the Standards sur l’accessibilité d’un site Web (SGQRI 008-01) adopted by the Conseil du trésor du gouvernement du Québec. 

The transactional functionalities of the SQDC.ca website have been checked for compliance with the accessibility standards of the NVDA screen reader. However, the technology platform on which the website is built may cause navigation problems when other screen readers are used. You can rest assured of our commitment to improving the website’s accessibility and user experience. Please feel free to share with us any suggestions for improvements you consider useful.

Please note that the SQDC has not implemented the government standards regarding accessibility for downloadable files (SGQRI 008-002) or multimedia components (SGQRI 008-003) due to the limited number of such documents on this website.

Description of the accessibility features available on the SQDC.ca website

  • Main navigation uses a menu with text hyperlinks that is available on all pages and consistent across the website.
  • Content is given a standardized graphic treatment consistent from section to section.
  • The visual presentation of the entire website is managed using cascading style sheets (CSS).
  • Style sheets are used to change colours and the appearance of text and other content.
  • The  icon with replacement text is used to identify all links that open in a new window.
  • Screen reader-friendly text equivalents are provided for all major graphic components (photos, images, graphics and icons).
  • Text and background are in contrasting colours, with a contrast ratio of at least 4.5 to 1.
  • Multimedia documents and visual animations are free of blinking and distracting movements.
  • A hyperlink to the Accessibility page is permanently displayed in the footer of each page.
  • Clear and logical hierarchical identification of content using titles and subtitles.
  • Each page has a main title that clearly summarizes the page’s content.
  • A page title on the browser’s title bar or tab identifies the content and purpose of the currently displayed page.
  • The font size of all characters on a page can be increased or decreased.
  • When style sheets are deactivated, all text content is displayed as black characters on a white background.
  • Logical top-to-bottom presentation of content when users navigate using the Tab key or deactivate style sheets (does not apply to some pages).
  • Hyperlinks to content stored on an external server usually open in a new window. These hyperlinks are clearly indicated with an icon and replacement text. 
  • Major graphic components such as photos, images, graphics and symbols are accompanied by a text equivalent that describes their content or message. This gives visually impaired visitors to obtain the information conveyed in the graphic component (for example, the details of a message included in a graphic banner).

Tools used to check content accessibility

Color Contrast Analyzer (CCA)
NVDA screen reader