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How to recycle cannabis containers

Materials recyclability is a complex subject. Not all glass, paperboard and plastic packaging should go into the recycling bin. And cannabis product packaging is no exception to the rule.

We are working closely with suppliers to reduce the environmental footprint of their containers. Still, for you, the consumer, the question remains: is my product’s packaging recyclable?

Comment recycler les emballages de cannabis

Cannabis containers are designed to protect the product and keep it fresh from the moment it’s packaged by the supplier until it’s opened by the consumer. Though they may appear overpackaged, all cannabis containers have to comply with strict public health guidelines.

Because the SQDC is committed to reducing the environmental footprint of the packaging it sells, we have prepared a guide to help you properly dispose of your jars, bags, bottles, spray pumps and other cannabis product packaging at home.

Note : The advice offered in this guide is based on the best information available at the time of publication. It is always a good idea to check with your municipality to learn what materials are allowed in recycling bins.

Getting started

  • Remember that the packaging of any and every product sold at the SQDC can be returned to an SQDC store for recycling under our in-store container recycling program.
  • It’s best to empty your containers (in the trash or compost bin) before putting them in the recycling bin.
  • We recommend keeping the lid or cover on the container when you put it in the recycling bin, even if the lid or cover is made from a different material.
  • Whenever possible, give containers a second life by reusing them at home.

The Guide

The guide is available in a .PDF version and web-friendly version, below :

Guide pratique : comment recycler les emballages de cannabis

Download the guide - 62 Ko

Key – What these symbols mean

Icône recyclage vert

Put in recycling bin

The packaging has great recyclability potential.

Icône recyclage jaune

Put in recycling bin

The packaging has limited recyclability potential due to its composition, its size or there being few opportunities for the recycled material.

Icône de poubelle grise

Put in the trash

The packaging is not recyclable or is not compatible with the Québec selective collection system and risks contaminating other materials in the recycling bin.

Icône consignée Québec

Return to an authorized return location

Beverage containers are covered by the deposit-return system.

Plastic jar or tube

Plastic #1 (PET) opaque

Icône recyclage jaune

Plastic #2 (HDPE)

Icône recyclage vert

Plastic #5 (PP)

Icône recyclage vert

Plastic #6 (PS)

Icône recyclage jaune

Plastic #7 (other)

Icône recyclage jaune

Note: You can identify the type of plastic by looking at the resin identification code usually found on the bottom of the container.

Note: Packaging made from #6 plastic can be recycled in some parts of Québec. Contact your municipality or ecocentre to learn if yours is one of them.

Glass or metal jar, metal or paperboard box

 Glass and metal jar

Icône recyclage vert

 Metal and paperboard box

Icône recyclage vert

Note: If the paperboard box has parts made from plastic or another material, it’s best to remove and dispose of them in the trash before putting the cardboard in the recycling bin.


Plastic bag

Icône de poubelle grise

Laminated paper bag

Icône de poubelle grise

Note: To maintain product freshness and prevent odours from escaping, bags are normally made from several layers of different materials, which significantly complicates the recycling process.

On the plus side, these bags use less raw materials, which reduces their environmental footprint.

Vial and spray pump

Glass vial

Icône recyclage jaune

Plastic vial

Icône recyclage jaune

Plastic spray pump

Icône de poubelle grise

Note: Measuring devices (graduated droppers, for example) should be thrown out and not placed in the recycling bin. The vial can be recycled.

Note: If the vial is less than 5 centimetres tall, it’s best to toss it directly in the trash.

Glass beverage bottles and aluminum beverage cans

Glass bottles

Icône consignée Québec

Aluminum cans

Icône consignée Québec

Note: Cannabis beverages are considered soft drinks and are therefore covered by the public deposit-return system. This system sorts returned materials at the source in order to derive maximum value from them.

Summing up

Follow the recycling guidelines above and you’ll be able to properly dispose of all the packaging you obtain from the SQDC.

The many symbols and their meanings can be confusing. When in doubt, remember that you can always give a second life to your empty containers, spray pumps, bottles, bags and other product packaging by taking advantage of our in-store container recycling program.

Other subjects of interest

Types of product

The SQDC sells a range of quality cannabis products with a lower risk level, all of which have been authorized by Health Canada.

learn more

The effects

Relaxing, stimulating and mood-altering: cannabis can have effects that are pleasant or undesirable. Learn what causes the effects and determines how intense they are and how long they last.

learn more 

Assistance resources

Are you or a friend or family member dealing with a problem related to cannabis use? Several assistance resources are available to you. Take advantage of them!

learn more