The Charter of the French language and its regulations govern the consultation of English-language content.
Our mandate is primarily social, as it consists of selling cannabis in Québec while prioritizing the health and safety of our customers. To that end, the SQDC undertakes to sell quality, lower-risk products and to inform and educate users on how to minimize the health impacts of cannabis consumption.
Because our mandate is not commercial, we will not take part in any form of advertising or promotion. Ultimately, we aim to reduce the presence of the illicit cannabis trade.
Any profits we make will be used to create a fund that invests primarily in cannabis prevention and research.
The Société québécoise du cannabis (SQDC) is a subsidiary of the Société des alcools du Québec (SAQ). It was created in June 2018, following passage of the Cannabis Regulation Act. Constituted as a business corporation, the SQDC is run independently from the SAQ.
Our mission is to sell cannabis in conformance with the Cannabis Regulation Act and with a focus on health protection in order to attract and retain black market customers without actually promoting cannabis use.
Four commitments govern the shopping experience we provide to customers. Learn about them!
To learn more about our logo, trademarks or to obtain authorization.
Our directors are appointed by the Société des alcools du Québec (SAQ) and define the SQDC’s strategic directions.