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Published on September 23, 2022

(Français) Moyens de pression des employés en grève : La SQDC accueille favorablement la nouvelle ordonnance d’injonction rendue hier

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Published on September 12, 2022

The SQDC reports net income of $20.5 million for its first quarter ended June 18, 2022

For its first quarter that ended June 18, 2022, the activities of the Société québécoise du cannabis (SQDC) generated $54 million for the Québec government...

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Published on August 31, 2022

(Français) Horaires des succursales et des services en ligne de la SQDC à l’occasion de la fête du Travail

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Published on August 27, 2022

Strike by Aylmer store employees declared illegal: the SQDC welcomes the ruling of the Tribunal administratif du travail

The Société québécoise du cannabis (SQDC) welcomes the ruling of the Tribunal administratif du travail (TAT) that the work stoppage begun at the Aylmer store on August 16, 2022, is in violation of the Labour Code and, as such, is illegal.

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Published on August 3, 2022

(Français) Produits de cannabis comestibles : une approche prudente et responsable de la part de la SQDC

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Published on June 27, 2022

(Français) Convention collective entre la CSN et la SQDC : l’entente de principe est entérinée par les employés

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